
The system houses data bases and rule driven decision tools that can be applicable in environmental assessment of development projects in different sectors. The software provides a complete review of processes and procedures laid down by the Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India, for environmental clearance of development projects in different sectors. Additionally, the system houses an environmental database, an exhaustive glossary of terminology relevant to EIA, a directory of useful contacts and spatial distribution of protected areas in different states of the country for consideration by project planners at the time of site selection for projects. The system is implemented in a framed architecture and supports integration of databases and analytical tools into common, easy to use framework. The major components are integrated with an interactive and graphical user interface designed for users with even limited computer experience. An extensive database (with HTML output formats) provides background information on different aspects of module menus.

A knowledge base with checklist, rules, background information, guidelines and analytical features for quality judgement, provides the inference engine that guides the project and project report analysis.