course outline


Relevance of valuing ecosystem goods and services for mainstreaming human well- being in impact assessment

arrow What types of economic values do ecosystems provide
arrow The connect between biodiversity and economic well being: Review of Millennium Development Goals.
arrow Why is it important to value the contributions of ecosystems to society’s wellbeing and for building resilience to counter climate change impacts.
arrow Why value biodiversity in impact assessment and why do we need economic currency to value biodiversity

Adapting EA framework for integrating ecosystem services and livelihoods and the economic evaluation approaches

arrow Entry points for incorporating ecosystem services approach into assessment framework.
arrow ‘How to’ approaches for integrating economic valuation in different stages of EIA framework.
arrow Introduction to a range of economic evaluation tools and techniques relevant in the context of impact assessment

Ecological and economic approaches for integrating biodiversity in the hierarchy of different mitigation options

arrow Review of offsets, nature engineering principles and CDMs for their relevance to encouraging green developments.
arrow Case studies of successful integration of economic and ecological valuation tools.
arrow Presentation of case studies demonstrating use of economic incentive approaches for mitigation planning.

Learning by doing: Practical and interactive exercises planned for participatory learning