Bibliography on Smaller Cats

LAMBA, B.S. (1967) - Occurrence of the desert cat, Felis libyca ornata gray, near Poona. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol.64(3): 552.
LAY, D.M., J.A.W. ANDERSON and J.D. HASSINGER (1970) - New records of small mammals from West Pakistan. Mammalia. 34: 98-106.
LEYHAUSEN, P. (1956) - The behavior of felids (Felidae). In, Handbuch Der Zoologie, Viii Band, 7 Lieferung, 10 Teil, 3 Beitrag. (Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin) 34p. Illus.
LEYHAUSEN, P. (1961) - Smaller cats in the zoo. International Zoo Yearbook; 3: 11-21.
LEYHAUSEN, P. (1979) - Cat behaviour. Garland STPM Press, New York.
LEYHAUSEN, P. (1988) - The tame and the wild - Another just so story? In, D.C. Turner and P. Bateson (Eds.) The domestic cat: The biology of its behaviour. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 57-66.
LIBERG, O. and M. SANDELL (1988) - Spatial organisation and reproductive tactis in the domestic cat and other felids. In, D.C. Turner and P. Bateson (Eds.) The domestic cat: The biology of its behaviour. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge : 83-98.
LITVINOV, V.P. (1981) - Food habits of the jungle cat in the bird winter quarters of eastern Transcaucasia. Byull. Mosk. Obshch. Ispyt. Prir. (Otd. Biol.). 86: 19-23.
LOVERIDGE, G.G. (1986) - Body weight changes and energy intake of cats during gestation and lactation. Anim. Technol. 37: 7-15.
LOWNDES, D.G. (1930) - Distribution and colouration of the lynx (Lynx lynx). J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc. Vol.34(1): 234-235.
LOXTON, H. (1975) - Guide to the cats of the world. Elsevier Publishing Projects S.A., Lausanne. 1-176
LYONS, J., R.J.YOUNG, and J.M. DEAG (1997) - The effects of physical characteristics of the environment and feeding regime on the behavior of captive felids. Zoo Biol. 16(1): 71-83.