Webinar on “Bastions of Conservation: Natural Heritage in the Asia Pacific”


The WII-C2C for World Natural Heritage Management and Training for Asia and the Pacific Region organized a webinar on “Bastions of Conservation: Natural Heritage in the Asia Pacific” on Thursday, the 18th of November. In his extensive talk, the keynote speaker, Mr. Guy Debonnet, Chief of Unit – Natural Heritage, World Heritage Centre, UNESCO Paris began with the international significance of the Convention's 49th anniversary, before turning to examples on natural heritage from the Asia-Pacific. He provided an overview of the concept of Outstanding Universal Value (OUV), site reporting and monitoring mechanisms and the factors affecting the sites. The opening remarks by Dr. Dhananjai Mohan, Director, WII included the practical experiences of managing a WHS, whereas the activities of the centre was presented by Dr. Gautam Talukdar, Faculty In-Charge, WII-C2C. Approximately 50 persons attended and included a cross-section of countries of the Asia-Pacific and beyond including China, Thailand, Bangladesh, South Korea, Bhutan and the UK.