Bibliography on Smaller Cats

VAKKUR, G.J. and P.O. BISHOP (1963) - The schematic eye in the cat. Vision Res. 3: 357-381.
VAN GRUISEN, J. T. SINCLAIR (1992) - Fur trade in Kathmandu: Implications for India. TRAFFIC India, New Delhi.
VAN DEN BERG, M. and R. DAMHUIS (1982) - The fur trade in Kashmir. TRAFFIC Bulletin: 59.
VELLAYAN, S., B. OMAR, P. OOTHUMAN, J. JEFFERY, M. ZAHEDI, A. MATHEW and M. KRISHNASAMY (1989) - The golden cat, Felis temminckii, as a new host for Dirofilaria immitis. J. Vet. Malays. 1(2): 87-89. 1989. (In English with Malay)