Ecodevelopment Planning and Participatory Management


Ecodevelopment Planning and Participatory ManagementEcodevelopment is a multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder strategy to link the conservation values of protected areas (PAs) with the livelihoods of local people and development processes in the surrounding landscapes. The success of conservation essentially depends on the ability of planners to understand the complex issues involved in conservation and to integrate these in the overall planning process of the country. The challenge is to identify and meaningfully involve the stakeholders, particularly the local communities, in the planning and implementation of such integrated conservation and development programmes. The Department of Ecodevelopment Planning and Participatory Management was set up with the following objectives.

  • To develop an understanding of the issues involved in community participation in wildlife conservation.
  • To build the capacity of the state forest departments and other stakeholders in involving local communities in PA management while working with multiple stakeholders to arrive at a consensus for integrating conservation and development at the landscape level.
  • To conduct research in the field of human–forest interactions, including valuation of ecosystem services, and to link these with the well-being of the local people and their participation in the perpetuation of such services.

Ecodevelopment Planning and Participatory Management

To achieve these objectives, WII has internalized the ecodevelopment training programme in its diploma and certificate courses. The theoretical aspects of this subject are being taught in the M.Sc. programme through specially developed modules on human ecology and natural resource economics. The department has been involved in developing and building the skills of stakeholders across the country in micro-planning processes, developing sustainable livelihoods, conflict resolution, mutual impact zone assessment and training spearhead teams. The department also provides consultative services in the above disciplines and has been involved in developing ecodevelopment plans and evaluation of participatory management initiatives in selected PAs. The department has taken up research projects for generating information on the ethnobiology and socio-economics of natural ecosystems and on the contribution of ecosystem services to biodiversity conservation and human well-being

Bupendra Singh Adhikari, Ph.D. Scientist - EBhupendra Singh Adhikari, Ph.D.
Scientist - G, Head
No: 09412056031
wii imagesDr. Ashish Jha
Scientist - C
Email: ashishjha [at] wii [dot] gov [dot] in
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wii imagesRitesh Kumar Gautam
riteshgautam [at] wii [dot]
gov [dot] in
wii imagesDr. Tanveer Ahmed
tanveer[at] wii [dot] gov [dot] in
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